08.06.2022 Dokumenter 08.06.2022 Dagsorden til skolebestyrelsesmøde d. 8. juni.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 08.06.2022 Referat af skolebestyrelsesmøde.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 08.06.2022 Bilag 1 Principper for klassesammenlægning.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 08.06.2022 Bilag 2 Skolebestyrelsesmøder kommende skoleår.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 08.06.2022 Bilag 4meddelelser skolebestyrelsesmødet.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 08.06.2022 Referat af skolebestyrelsesmøde_0.pdf Shape Created with Sketch.