08.06.2023 Dokumenter 08.06.2023 Dagsorden SB-møde.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 08.06.2023 Referat af skolebestyrelsesmøde.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 08.06.2023 Bilag 1 tilsyn med lektiehjælp og faglig fordybelse.doc bilag 1.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 08.06.2023 Bilag 2 Forpersonens beretning skoleåret 2022-23.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 08.06.2023 Bilag 3 Mødedatoer for SB.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 08.06.2023 Bilag 4 Lukkedage 2024-2025.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 08.06.2023 Bilag 5 meddelser.pdf Shape Created with Sketch.